Sunday, May 04, 2008


We spent $75 at the doctor's to find out we could treat William's wart with over the counter medication. It takes 3 months on my new job to get my benefits.

William has been using the word "cheater" when he feels cheated, which is often, because the world doesn't collaborate with his wishes all the time. He also uses the word "crazy" a lot. I prefer the word silly.

We had Robyn's Confirmation yesterday, and party. The family gathered. I got to meet Victor's new son. I have some photos on Facebook. I'm trying to upload photos from my cell phone, as a kind of backup. I want to collect and record the children's life as much as I can.

Leaving before they wake up, has been harder on them then I thought it would be. And missing them for 2 days is rather hard, when I have ICP on Tuesday and Wednesday. I'm glad classes are going to be stopping soon.

I've got a bad cold. I skipped the monthly practice day because I'm sick and because I want to spend time with the boys. They are still a little clingy after being away for the previous week.

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