Wednesday, September 05, 2007

First Day of School

William began preschool today. He's going from 8:30-1:30 at a school called Stepping Stone. It's across from the pizza store that we always get pizza from, near Vliegh Park. It's a short walk. I'm going to be taking him to school, but Today Diana, Andrew and Paquita joined us. Andrew seemed to want to join in, it broke my heart to hold him back. The teacher seems nice. There are assistants. William said, "are you going to stay at school with me?!" I wish I could have. He realized that mom and dad couldn't stay with him, and he got sad. But the teacher supported him and the idea of getting out his Thomas brightened him up. I look forward to tomorrow taking him by myself. I look forward to hearing how his day went. It's a big day for the family.

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