Sunday, July 22, 2007

My caterpillar died

William couches his wishes in saying that Andrew wants something. He's learned something there somehow, just doesn't quite hit the mark. A woman at the park today said he was "friendly". Andrew is more aloof, needs an adult.

Andrew is often sweet, will follow directions quicker, if he understands. He copies his brother, wants to do what his brother does. He pouts, will make a big show of laying down and sulking about not getting his way. He very much wants things. He's quick to sense conflict, he'll mix it up in the park more quickly if someone pushes him or something.

Diana went out with Aida to look at places. Aida has to move out by 2008, and she's got time in the summer to look, so she's trying to resolve it in the summer. I began trying to potty train William. Accidents and attempts. Nati got sick of looking at places and Abuelo brought her over.

William continues to say, "my caterpillar died." One night about a month ago, Natasia told a story about how caterpillars died at her school, some lived, one had damaged wings. William perhaps reacted to my empathy for Natasia, and tells me that his died. I'm afraid I'm blase about his story.

So this Sunday I was on the job from 6:30am to 4:30pm, and then Diana mercifully took the boys over to her mother's. They're celebrating her birthday, which is coming soon, with a lobster-fest. They have as many lobsters as you can eat. Diana is crunching away on lobsters after everyone is done. Good for her, she deserves to be treated well.

Virgian corrects me later with this comment on Monday: "Yesterday's get together was supposed to be a farewell BBQ for my aunt & uncle; but Mom somehow had a birthday cake for Diana & Ceci. We're getting together next Saturday for the lobster fest at my house. BTW Di's birthday is tomorrow."

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