Friday, May 18, 2007

Precious boys

Last Friday the boys were banging at the window when I came home. William sometimes is absorbed in the TV, but generally I get the most heart warming greeting when I come home. Andrew saw my car pull into the parking lot, and waited for me to come out. He recognizes the car.

William’s speech therapist is really impressed with his development. The other day he said, “I don’t know.” I thought that was great! Sometimes he gets lost, though. He was telling me he was going to apologize to mommy for making a mess and then went out there and apologized for “TV”. Opse. What happened there.

Andrew continues to say new words too, his articulation is better.

William fell asleep on the floor. One night I forgot to put him in his bed, and he slept the night on the floor. Opse. That’s on daddy, Diana told Virginia that story in horror the other day. These things happen. We try our best. At this moment I’m feeling more confident and in charge. Tolerating the ambivalence of not knowing what to do, being in the squishy place of new behaviors challenging me. I am really working on controlling myself, not flipping out, losing my cool. The boys see me as the monsters, and even today Andrew was saying “daddy” when the mean dinosaurs came onto the TV this morning. I want to be the wise octopus or the wise dinosaur, but they say that’s mommy. I wanted to get into a thing with William about how when he says he’s Thomas, we don’t give him a hard time, but I felt like it would be lost on him. I think it’s a challenge to be developmentally appropriate.

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