Thursday, May 17, 2007


Andrew burnt his hand on the glass of the fire place at Virginia’s house (not a real log fire place, it’s gas) a while ago. Now he says, “Hot?!” I think meaning hot, but also danger. He’s not really gotten the hang of opposites. He says “down” for “up”. This morning he said “wet”. I have to listen closely, otherwise I wouldn’t have heard “wet”, and maybe I’m just inserting the closest word to make sense.

I’m reading a book on parenting written by a Buddhist called A Path for Parents by Sara Burns who’s ordained name is Karunagita. I suppose she has her own reasons for not using Karunagita, perhaps to appeal to a wider audience, she hope it’s read beyond Buddhists.

Seems like a good book so far. I haven’t read any Buddhist parenting books yet, I wanted my first to be a FWBO book. Now I’m ready for the other books on Buddhism. There are 3 others I find on line, and I’m sure there are more. Amazon has a way of hiding some books. I’ve typed in close but not exactly a title, and not even gotten the book on the list, when obviously it should have been somewhere on the list. It definitely slants towards more popular books, bigger selling books.

The past two nights I’ve gotten home late. Tuesday is sangha (spiritual community) night. I helped Sita take Savanna’s cast off futon frame up to her place. So I got home very late, and the boys were still up. Wednesday was my birthday and I got tickets to Moon for Misbegotten (which was amazing by the way, I didn’t think the reviews were kind enough). The boys were already asleep when we got home. Thank you to Aida, Natasia, Virginia and Tim for your support in watching the boys. Thank you to all those who called me, sent cards, sent text messages, sent gifts on my birthday. I feel very lucky, blessed, and grateful.

When my boys woke up this morning, I felt very lucky to see their darling faces. William woke up first. He asked to see Rainbow Fish, which is one of my favorite videos that we inherited from Abuela and Natasia. He was very cuddly, sweet. He pinches your arms and ear lobes. Then Andrew woke up. He’s a cutie pie, with much sweetness. Soon enough they were fighting over puzzles (I think they’re going to be visually smart like their mother and father) and which room I’m in. Andrew likes the bedroom and William likes the living room. All too quickly it was time to take a shower and reliable, smart and dedicated Paquita was there. The amount of people that go into our lives, that support the family is truly amazing. The boys are precious. I’ve begun to get a knot in my stomach about leaving on Wednesday for a family reunion in the Grand Canyon.

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