Sunday, July 30, 2006

408. Colds

William and Andrew have a cold, Diana seems to have come down with something too. She started it. I'm sure I'll be getting it too, and then we're going to be in trouble.

The boys are OK though. William whispers to me, and then when I say, "are you telling me a secret?" he says, "Secret" in a whisper.

Andrew has graduated from drunken sailor walking, to tipsy sailor.

Sunday we went to the doctor, it's the first time I've seen their second doctor. He seemed a little brusk to me, but Diana said not more than the lesser of the two he used to see. The strep culture was negative, they have something viral, which I think means it's just a cold.

Cliff met us at the park, and we hung out some. He came over, and we played some chess while the boys were sleeping, 10 minute games. Then we watched Open Water, which is a scary movie. I took William to the park later, for the second time. He played some where he says, "come on," and I follow him around. He met a cute little girl, and they played a little. Then we went to the field, the ball park and grass. He played with the water fountain and got a little wet. He played with the rocks.

William dances to the TV sometimes. He really likes the Backyardigans. It's a lovely weekend with the boys, I missed being away from them, and it's hard to enjoy them when I'm tired during the work week. They've been a little clingy with their colds.

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