Monday, January 20, 2014

Robin Hood

Spending the day with Andres. Every once in a while we take just one child and have time with only one. Usually we have both or none. Today I have Andres.

So we read together and then we watched Robin Hood. I looked it up and Robin Hood became a folklore in the Medieval times, which connects with our trip to the Cloisters. They talk about the crusades in the movie. There's a feudal feel to the times. Friar Tuck has a monks as a popular character.

The 1973 Disney film is the only one that is appropriate for my son's age. The two recent remakes, a British TV show and the movie are not appropriate for people under 13 according to Common Sense Media. Mostly for implied violence. They suggest that social justice and law and order are good conversations to have after watching the shows.

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