Monday, January 20, 2014

Further on 1973 Robin Hood Movie

"Death to tyrants," says the little boy, acting like Robin Hood. I tried to explain that to Andres,what tyrants means. I sometimes think the way the income disparity between the rich and the poor has us heading back to medieval times.

The rooster narrator is a minstral, Alan-a-Dale, which connects to Adam of the Road.

I was 6 when the movie comes out. I don't remember if I saw it, but my memory of my childhood has faded some. I think I did see it.

My mother doesn't think I saw the movie when it was in the theaters. I think I saw it on TV years later. She writes:

It this is an animated film, I do not think this would have been a movie I would have taken you to see. At that point, we would have been just moved to Madison. We would have been living in University of Wisconsin housing without a car so we wouldn’t have been able to get to a movie easily. I remember walking to a grocery store on University Avenue and taking a taxi back with groceries. I don’t recall seeing the movie with you and suspect we didn’t. mom

I remember taking a taxi home from the grocery store.

The running scene with Lady Kluck:

That is like football reminds me of this play last night.

Denver will play Seattle in the superbowl in 2 weeks. The boys had a friend over last night and didn't watch the games with me. I like it when they have a friend over. I think rooting for the underdog in a football game because you team is out, is a kind of Robin Hood kind of sentiment.

I've been reading about Francis of Assisi, and he liked the underdog too. I'm looking forward to seeing Assisi at the Frick. The current pope is a Franciscan. 

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