Tuesday, December 09, 2008


We drove to Annapolis Saturday evening, which took 5 hours from NYC. Gas prices have dropped and are cheaper outside the city—I was happy to learn that. The boys watched a lot of movies, and Andres took a nap. We stopped for dinner in Deleware. We got to Gretchen’s around 10. The boys were scared of Georgia the bulldog, and Kalamazoo the cat, but they got to playing with them eventually. I played with the cat, and they copied that.

In the morning they were more into playing with them, they enjoy the tug-of-war with Georgia, who out weighs them. We went to breakfast at a really good place. Gretchen lives in an interesting part of Annapolis, so it was cool walking around there. We thought we might come back another time seeing how cool it is.

The drive from Annapolis to Newnan was grueling, but the boys did really well. They had me stop for an emergency pit stop quite a lot, but there were no accidents. We let them run around at rest stops and when we got gas. Andres took 2 naps. We left around 11am and got there around 11pm. We’ll be doing that on Thursday again, when we reverse course.

We’ve just been hanging out here. The boys have been gentle with Grandma. I went food shopping with Grandpa. The boys draw, play with lego or trains. The boys like running around the house. Braxton came over yesterday, and they played for a while. Braxton is really cute. William was really excited to see him. Braxton liked playing with the puzzle, and the trains. He also liked running around with the boys.

They’re out raking leaves with great grandpa. I found a wifi spot to do some internet. They have 3 networks in range of my grandparents but I don’t know the passwords. I thought to knock on doors, offer them some money. But decided to find another spot. The library is close, so that's where I am.

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