Friday, July 18, 2008

poopie in your face

I spent about 10 minutes saying, "no, poopie in your face," to Andrew over Skype. Zane joined us too, joining in. Diana didn't so much like poopie in her face, but she was busy with Ashton.

She told me William pooped in the pottie and earned his last Land Before Time movie. Now he's got the complete set. Now the reinforcement schedule will go to 5 "balloons" (since he didn't want stars) before he gets a present and go up 5 each cycle. Andrew still flounders learning to urinate in the potty, though I think concentrated attention will get that.

Diana was upset someone put on youtube that they thought William was too old to be in a diaper. Then someone else said it was OK because he is autistic. He's neither. He's OK. Relax people.

Reminds me of the time I was changing William in a public bathroom. A guy told me I shouldn't talk to William in baby talk. As if it's an either/or thing. You can do both people. Baby talk has been shown to be appropriate. Not sure where people get these ideas. But the capper was that he said he knew this because he talked to his dog in "real" words and it worked. Some people. I think children provoke a lot from people, we're all trying to figure life out. But come on. Support parents, don't criticize them.

I'm very sad at seeing Andrew sad that I'm not there. Diana says William asks if we're going to pick up daddy today. It's hard to be away from the boys. I feel selfish. But I know this is the right thing to do.

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