Friday, January 13, 2006

359. Tarzan

It's been busy lately, hard to blog. William keeps doing new things, getting into things that make it difficult for us at times, because of his unbridled curiosity. Andrew is doing well, he seems to be different than William in many ways. His hair line is different, less hair, sleeps more, refuses to sleep on his back. His whole demeanor is different, his talking. He is like William in that, at the same age, he liked to have visual stimulation. I spent more time with William than I have with Andrew. William has gotten less insistent about watching Elmo, but when he is, he's even more insistent. He goes in phases of wanting me to read to him. He always wants me to be near him and play. He's very possessive, which is cute. I could coo at Andrew all day. William has taken to drinking milk only if it has some oatmeal in it. Not regular oatmeal, but the baby oatmeal stuff.

Wrote the above last weekend. Having lots of trouble blogging these days. Will and Bart came over last night and we had a pleasant visit. Good to see them, reminds me of their intelligence and kindness.

Diana nicknamed Andrew Tarzan, because sometimes when he "talks" he makes a kind of Tarzan holler. Emma nicknamed Abuela "Food".

William said "shoe" the other day. I had to wake William up for Shani, his speech therapist. I'm not feeling well today, called in sick.

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