Wednesday, August 12, 2015


We woke up in Albuquerque and Andres' told us his dream. He was near a swimming hole and an animal took over his brain. They got rid of his brain. They made humans the animals. William kept on dunking Andres in the water. He had this long tongue.

Cori had a dream where there's a one way bridge, and you have to wait for the other car to go over, and the other car falls off the bridge. She says this is a recurring dream. It's a different car every time.

The boys are pretty good travelers. There's a 2 hour difference to NYC time, it's earlier here.

William's alarm woke me up at 5am. He set his alarm for Wednesday morning when he needs to get up so I can take him back home so I can go to work. He forgot to turn it off. He's pretty considerate overall, and I figure I rested for 90 minutes before I got tired of following my thoughts, and got up. Read an article in the times about a family who went hiking, and the son survived but the two parents died of dehydration on a 4 mile hike.

A lovely good samaritan gave us her table at the Midway Food court. I kind of wondered why one person was sitting at one of the few four person tables. She watched our stuff as we tried to figure out our food. Andres was the happiest with salad and a slice of pizza. William liked his fajitas. I got fish tacos and Cori got falafel.

On the flight from Chicago to Albuquerque I sat next to a girl who ate popcorn and wiped her hand on her leg every bite and then brushed off her leggings. She kept brushing up against my arm. Haven't you seen the skit where the middle person gets two arm rests.

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