Saturday, July 23, 2011

Adventures is cooking with small children

I got a family cook book in the mail, because with my mother's leadership, I'm trying to cook more with my children, ages 7 and 5. So I skimmed Lynn Fredericks' book and she says, "don't worry about the mess." OK, I'll try. She gives a rationalization, but making my brain work that way might not work, I'll admit there is so much more than rationality.

So William promptly cracks an egg onto my rug. Yeesh. Andres has actually had practice opening eggs, so when it was his turn he did better, so actually that just shows that experience does matter, and that William will improve just like Andres the younger one, has.

We made an egg sandwich for Andres, which he later disavowed, "it's too bumpy." I thought he didn't like the grainy bread I got, but I think he didn't like the yoke. I'll ask him next time if he wants egg whites only. I just asked him, he said he doesn't like the yoke. I told him that's probably healthier in the long run.

I remember in nutritional science class in college, when I learned that your body makes cholesterol, and that the amount your body takes in is correlated to the amount you make, but there is not direct causation. Less cholesterol doesn't exactly translate to less production the same way as your intake. But that they're related is enough, you do what you have to to decrease it whether it's direct causation or related.

They liked stirring the pancake mix. I used to get the kind that didn't need egg and milk, but I wanted to do that. So that's why William was cracking an egg, he wanted pancakes. So we got the mixing going and pouring more milk into the mix. Andres wants to pour, and while I'm pretty scared of that, I let him mix some in. They fought to mix the stuff. Cute but not cute. I don't like the fighting, I think that's the most stressful part of parenting for me at the moment.

I think I was OK in teaching them to cook a little today. They really got into it, and I'm glad I didn't freak out. I gain confidence as they gain confidence.

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