Sunday, May 03, 2009


Sorry I haven't written in a while, my faithful readers.

I thought this was funny. One thing that is lost in a rapidly changing society is that wisdom can not accumulate. I wonder whether what I know is relevant to what the boys need to know. The world can't change that much, maybe the changes are superficial and technological, and all you need for the technology is a spirit of interest and perhaps skepticism that the technology actually improves things.

In a way I'm jealous of Diana, being able to spend time with the boys. I go to work on Monday and I miss my boys, even though I struggle at times on the weekend, feeling overwhelmed.

We were supposed to have a party for William yesterday, but the weather forecast canceled it. When the clouds parted, I took the boys to the park. We had some pizza, and they ran around some. Then we went to the other end of the park and played in the mud, with one of the older boys who is nice to the boys.

Friday night we watched The Tale of Despereaux. William watches intently, while Andres squirms and tries to find something else to do and snuggle with us on the couch. Saturday night Andres fell asleep while we were watching X-Men, which is almost not appropriate for William and Andres. William is so interested in superheroes.

We've gotten Netflicks and I have one DVD for the boys and one for Diana and I. William wanted to send back Despereaux, and get a Star Wars: Clone Wars DVD. I've gotten terrible sleep this week, watching In Treatment and Weeds. Which makes me realize that at this point, not being well rested can no longer be blamed on the boys. I've set my alarm to try and contain my staying up for entertainment. I'm also read Cartwheels In A Sari, about growing up in the Sri Chimnoy cult.

William informed Diana that he believes in God, is not a Buddhist. I suppose I wish it was otherwise, but I really need to support my son's spiritual path. I think I said to him, he can choose his own path, and that it's good to explore all of them when he's young. Diana says Sunday school starts for his age next year. We went to a christening and there was a good preacher. I respected his intensity, even though it's not my tradition.

There was a BBQ in the parking lot, after the park, on Saturday, and the boys began playing with a little girl who is on the t-ball team, the Lugnuts. I called Diana to spell me relief, and she kindly came outside. I watched almost 2 episodes of In Treatment, which I find interesting. They came back in a huff, William wasn't following directions and spiraled into a delusional state of threats and accusations that got to Diana.

This morning I don't want to turn on the TV. Usually they watch TV in the morning, but I want to make Sunday a no TV morning. William went off in a huff when I told him watching YouTube was the same thing as watching TV. Andres woke up and snuggled, and played with lego and cars. Now Andres is asking to see the Spiderman video set to Weird Al Yankovich. I want to catch up on my google reader, the blogs I'm following.

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