Friday, October 03, 2008

Friday update

Andres earned some more cars by using the toilet. He won't go to the bathroom, but he likes to earn stars towards cars, so we're using a behavior modification to help motivate him to do something we want him to do. William gets stars for cleaning up and misses getting presents for going to the bathroom.

Sometimes Andres insists of getting whatever William has. It's been pointed out that Andres often wants the very thing that someone just picks up. He has his own interests though. Andres has gotten into cards, even though he doesn't really know how to play games. William is playing with trains. They fight occasionally. Sometimes they resolve it on their own, sometimes an intervention is needed. Andres sometimes whines instead of just asking for help, we're trying to change that behavior too.

They called me today from the school, William puked in the class. Maybe he ate too much or bread got stuck in his throat. I took them to the park where 3 classmates of William and another kid from the school play. William likes the swing. But they play a game where they run from him, and he doesn't like that, so we went home earlier than we usually do.

Diana was out shopping with her mother. Abuela got them winter jackets. Diana is going out with the women tonight, it's girls night out.

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