Wednesday, January 17, 2007

458. Hi Gigi

William was evaluated Monday. It was an all day affair. He was so exhausted, he went to bed at 6 and slept till 8 the next day. When I got home Tuesday he was very verbal. He spoke 43 different words in a 9 minute span where I kept track. The ordeal seems to have pushed him. For me, one the one hand, I hope he keeps the services, because he's benefiting from them. On the other, I get nervous that finding something "wrong" means he's going to have trouble in life, and therefore I will have trouble. Of course, he will have troubles, and it's my job to take what may come. Diana asked him to do some of the things, and then she was frustrated that he'd not done them with the evaluator, but could the next day, easily.

Friday night Diana and I went to see Mama Mia, Aida and Natasia baby sat.

When William doesn't like what's being said or wants quiet he says, "shush, Emma is sleeping."

Gigi sent a link about cold medicine and children.

Tuesday Andrew said, "hi Gigi".

William thinks I'm Gordon. He's Thomas, Andrew is Percy and Mommy is James. Natasia is Emily and Aida is Duncan.

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