Saturday, April 15, 2006

381. Cake!

William had a dentist appointment. Getting him dressed he punched me in the face. I say, "you can be angry with daddy, but no hitting." Of course he doesn't have the language to understand or express it, but I'm getting ready for when he does.

Virginia came over and took them all out. I get to take it easy because I'm sick, which is how it should be, but usually I don't get to with the children around. You know I'm sick when I stay home from work because usually it's harder to be at home than work. Diana says, "call if you need something," but I'm sure she's not happy that I'm under the weather for this important weekend. She has been nice to me, but she bears the burdens.

Aunt Nancy in Ecuador sent William a coat. Emma too. Great Grandpa and Grandma Parks also sent 4 cards, I forgot to mention. My mother reports their presents are on the way. And Rich is coming next weekend, he's going to be bringing some presents.

For William's birthday he had a dentist appointment, he had a hair cut, and pictures taken. He's not going to like his birthday in the future. He doesn't like the birthday song. Virginia and Tim were over, and Andrew had more fun with the cake.

Saturday we went to Cunningham Park. William fell asleep, and took a while to get into it, but he finally did. We had dinner together at the table too.

We got a package from Zane and Bridget. We got a puppet from Aunt Di in New Mexico. Lots of good presents.

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